Sunday, October 28, 2007

My First Trick or Treat!!!

Hi Everybody,
Yipee, yipee, yipee....I'm going Trick or Treating. Last year I was only a month old and still living with my dog Mom, Savannah, in North Carolina. But Mom Cindy LOVES holidays, so we went shopping today and I got this adorable Pirate Costume. Just imagine opening your door and seeing ME sitting outside! Hope you've got your dog treats ready. You know I love kids and Mom Cindy said all the neighborhood kids come out too. I'm not sure life gets any better than this. I hope Weds. comes quickly...I'm ready to go!
If we don't make it to your house, you can always leave a "treat" for us at We're really doing great on our fundraising and our walk, but continue to need your help. We're asking all of our friends and family to make donations instead of giving gifts this Christmas (Mom Cindy's idea, you can still sneak me a bone, if you want). Mom got a "treat" during her last doctor's visit. Now she has to get a drug for osteoporosis IV every month. A new medicine has been approved...Reclast...and she only has to get it IV once a year. Wow...more time to play with me :)
Hope to see you when I'm out Trick or Treating...
Doggie Love, Landis

182.56 miles walked, 733.44 to go
$3775.00 raised, $5385.00 to go

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's the cutest picture ever! Although I think Dax and Cloud were pretty happy that they're too small or too big or my old witch costume, Landis looks adorable!!!!!